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Casa AlegreWrite a Review

1441 S No Le Hace, Tucson, AZ 85713

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πŸŽ“   9.2mi to Tucson

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Location Details

πŸ“ 1441 S No Le Hace, Tucson, AZ 85713

πŸŽ“ 9.2mi

Distance to Tucson

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Tucson

🚲 28min

Est. Bike ride to Tucson

πŸš— 18min

Est. Drive to Tucson

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This apartment complex is hell. They told me when I moved in (January) that there would be a fitness center in place by the first of April. It's April 15th and they haven't even STARTED construction yet. There's always drunk people hanging around outside, one vomited on the stairs closest to my apartment last week and nobody has cleaned it up (there's STILL vomit sitting on a step) Broken bottles in the parking lot - dangerous to walk and drive car around. Laundry facilities are dirty and the machines break during use, management refuses to acknowledge the problem. Maintenance crews speak little if any English, so getting maintenance done if you're not fluent in Spanish is pretty much impossible. Neighborhood is scary - within the first three weeks I lived here, there were two gang shootings outside. Helicopters with searchlights overhead are NOT uncommon during the weekends, drugs and gang activity very out in the open and nobody seems to care. Lots of large families (5-7 people) living in tiny apartments, children screaming for no apparant reason at all hours of the day and night, and random tamale/burrito vendors knock on doors at 6AM. I rented from winter '06 through fall '07. ...

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